Blog Archives

Estate Planning For Non-Traditional Families – Part 3

If you’re in a non-traditional family, you know that estate planning is, as Winston Churchill once said about Russia, “A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.” But here’s some advice that’ll help. DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP/LIFE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT This can

Posted in aging, Alice Reiter Feld Florida Elder Law Monday Memos, broward, elder law attorney, elderly, estate planning, gay marriage, lgbt, long term care planning, resources, support

Estate Planning For Non-Traditional Families – Part 2

Some of the most important estate planning areas for a non-traditional family are living wills, health care directives, and powers of attorney. If two people aren’t legally married, or related by blood, they may as well be strangers. The Florida

Posted in advance directives; living will; healthcare surrogate; advance directives; living will; healthcare surrogate; last will and testament, aging, Alice Reiter Feld Florida Elder Law Monday Memos, broward, elder law attorney, elder law; estate planning; special needs; trusts; medicaid; Alzheimer's; support; memory, elderly, gay marriage, lgbt, long term care planning, resources, senior care, support

Estate Planning For Non-Traditional Families – Part 1

I’m being contacted by an increasing number of non-traditional families these days…with good reason. Non-traditional families are becoming the one of the biggest demographics in America. Whether gay or lesbian (legally married or not), divorced with children, “significant others” living

Posted in advance directives; living will; healthcare surrogate; advance directives; living will; healthcare surrogate; last will and testament, Alice Reiter Feld Florida Elder Law Monday Memos, broward, elder law attorney, elder law; estate planning; special needs; trusts; medicaid; Alzheimer's; support; memory, elderly, estate planning, gay marriage, lgbt, long term care planning, resources, senior care, support

The Importance of Long-Term Care Planning – Before a Crisis!

If you were ever a Boy Scout, you remember the motto: Be Prepared. You’re not a Boy Scout or Girl Scout anymore. But it still makes sense to be prepared – especially where your health and your finances are concerned.

Posted in aging; disabled; Alzheimer's; support; memory; resources; dementia, Alice Reiter Feld, Alzheimer's; support; memory; resources; dementia, broward, elder law attorney, elder law; estate planning; special needs; trusts; medicaid; Alzheimer's; support; memory, elderly, long term care planning, long-term care, resources, senior care, support

If You’re a Woman, You May Be Paying More For Long-Term Care

Whenever a woman tells me she’ll look into long-term care “some day,” I always ask the same question: “Do you always bet against the odds?” What do I mean by that? Well…are you betting that medical costs won’t go up?

Posted in aging; disabled; Alzheimer's; support; memory; resources; dementia, Alice Reiter Feld, Alice Reiter Feld Florida Elder Law Monday Memos, Alzheimer's; support; memory; resources; dementia, broward, elder law attorney, elder law; estate planning; special needs; trusts; medicaid; Alzheimer's; support; memory, elderly, long term care planning, long-term care, resources, senior care, support, Veteran; veteran's benefits; mediciad; elder law; estate planning; special needs; trusts; medicaid; Alzheimer's; support; memory

Are Group Homes With Four or Five People Appropriate for Alzheimer’s Patients?

First of all, it’s important to define exactly what we mean by “group homes.” Some states call them “boarding care homes,” instead. Some states require licenses. So, to start your search, call your state’s licensing department and ask if licensure

Posted in a, aging; disabled; Alzheimer's; support; memory; resources; dementia, Alice Reiter Feld, Alice Reiter Feld Florida Elder Law Monday Memos, Alzheimer's; support; memory; resources; dementia, broward, dementia; baby boomers; support, elder law, elder law attorney, elder lw, elderly, help placing young Alzheimer's patients, long term care planning, long-term care, Nursing Homes, resources, senior care, support

Hurricane Sandy, And The Sin of Denial

Whew! Fall has arrived! And we’ve made it through another hurricane season without a storm, right? Well…not me! I just got back from a week in New York City – and Hurricane Sandy! No, I am not a hurricane chaser.

Posted in aging, Alice Reiter Feld, Alice Reiter Feld Florida Elder Law Monday Memos, broward, durable power of attorney, elder law, elder law attorney, elderly, long term care planning, long-term care, resources, senior care, support

Alice’s Mom and Dad, Part 6: What I’d Do The Same

Anyone who’s lost a parent knows that the aftermath is often filled with uncertainty about whether you handled the situation “correctly” – if there is such a word in that situation. Often, we wonder if we could have handled certain

Posted in a, aging; disabled; Alzheimer's; support; memory; resources; dementia, Alice Reiter Feld, Alice Reiter Feld Florida Elder Law Monday Memos, broward, elder law attorney, elder law; estate planning; special needs; trusts; medicaid; Alzheimer's; support; memory, elder lw, elderly, long term care planning, long-term care, parents, resources, senior care, support

My Mom and Dad, Part 5: What I’d Do Differently

As you know by now, my Mom died on September 3. And my Dad’s now in hospice. So I’m about to experience a double shot to the caregiver’s gut. It’s been a learning experience, to say the least. I’ve learned

Posted in a, aging; disabled; Alzheimer's; support; memory; resources; dementia, Alice Reiter Feld, Alice Reiter Feld Florida Elder Law Monday Memos, broward, elder law attorney, elder law; estate planning; special needs; trusts; medicaid; Alzheimer's; support; memory, elder lw, elderly, long term care planning, long-term care, resources, senior care, support

Alice’s Mom and Dad, Part 3: My Mom Is Gone

Some of you may recall the blogs I wrote on my Mom and Dad a couple of months ago. In the last one, my Mom was in Hospice, and my Dad was in rehab. My parents live locally in Davie.

Posted in a, aging; disabled; Alzheimer's; support; memory; resources; dementia, Alice Reiter Feld, Alice Reiter Feld Florida Elder Law Monday Memos, Alzheimer's; support; memory; resources; dementia, broward, durable power of attorney, elder law attorney, elder law; estate planning; special needs; trusts; medicaid; Alzheimer's; support; memory, elder lw, elderly, living will, long term care planning, memory, parents, resources, senior care, support, will and testament
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